Be People, not Sheeple

It should be securely implanted in your mind that your masters in government (and those controlling government) blatantly and arrogantly disregard you and your day-to-day struggles. You need proof? Well, the Government’s petrol rip-off has finally been uncloaked, revealing that we have some of the cheapest fuel in Europe – until the tax is added.

An EU website comparing fuel prices across the continent has shown that before tax unleaded petrol in Britain costs in the region of 54.7p per litre! This is a great deal cheaper than petrol anywhere in the EU apart from Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Estonia. But once tax is added Britain’s petrol costs on average 136p per litre; among the most expensive. Diesel is cheaper than Britain’s 58.6p per litre before tax in only Slovenia, Bulgaria and Estonia. However, after tax the UK average price of 139p per litre is the most expensive in the EU.

This is in spite of Chancellor George Osborne’s decision in the March Budget to cut fuel duty by 1p per litre and to delay two planned inflationary rises until January and next summer.

RAC strategist Adrian Tink said: “Is it any wonder that Britain’s motorists continue to believe they’re nothing but a cash cow? The 1p tax cut was a step in the right direction. But when you compare the level of tax we pay at the pump to other EU countries it’s clear it was quite a small one.” Motorists currently pay about £45billion a year in taxes including £26billion in fuel duty.

Peter Carroll of said the Government should be cutting the fuel tax.

He said: “The level of tax borders on the criminal. We should be moving towards reducing fuel taxes. We should get rid of all future rises.”

Surely, though, all of this tax is being spent on hospitals, care for the elderly, law enforcement and education; so that’s a good thing, it’s worth the cost at the pumps? Er … no. It’s being spent on wars in Afghanistan and Libya, bailing out Greece, royal weddings, and ensuring that people such as Lord Kinnock pick up an annual salary of £1,846, 419. Wake up Britain! Be people, not sheeple.


Rod Millington
