EMC Shielding Increasingly Important for Construction

While Rainford EMC Systems is a global leader in providing anechoic and shielded chamber solutions, with representation in over 22 countries across Europe, Asia and America, it is finding a growing demand for its EMC shielding expertise and technology in general building construction.

Sales and Marketing Director, John White, explains, “We are receiving an increasing number of enquiries for EMC shielding from a wide range of customers. It is not just the security and law enforcement sectors that are coming to us but also commercial organisations that need security from hackers in their day-to-day operations.”

One recent contract, in conjunction with Carillion, was for the Greater Manchester Police who required a number of shielded rooms in order to test their communication equipment. This includes the Tetra radios, which are increasingly used by the emergency services as they provide a secure method of communication that no one can tap into.

Company boardrooms and offices where it is required to send and receive confidential communications and emails is another area of concern. At a major credit card company for example, secure areas had to be provided so that secure financial information could be uploaded and downloaded in safety.

Health and safety is another reason for introducing EMC shielding. Again the Tetra radios come into this as the signal strength provided by the transmitters, mounted typically on the top of the office blocks, is causing concern for those working beneath the transmitter. Certain EU legislation regarding ICNIRP, limits the amount of field strength to which an individual can be exposed. This legislation also applies to office blocks and even to residential accommodation. It is not just RF emissions but there can also be very strong electro-magnetic effects from high voltage cables.

John adds, “There is a new EMF Directive coming out which relates to every building and/or enclosure. By law the builder will be responsible for protecting any in that building from an RF field. Today, we are a totally global organisation and
I believe that we are ahead of the game in EMC shielding; certainly this is born out by the number of enquiries that we are receiving. These have included an architectural shielding study for an office block
in Poland as well as a shielded laboratory for a University. With the introduction of the new EMF Directive, I can only see our work expanding, particularly as there is a general lack of knowledge on this subject.”

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0044 (0)1942296190 or
visit www.rainfordemc.com.