Get the Facts from Green Energy

Renewable energy is a relatively new and exciting field. The problem is that there is a general lack of knowledge in the marketplace, with quite a few urban legends taking shape.

Green Energy (EU) is looking to change all of that, and in doing so help both commercial and residential customers make the right choice when it comes to selecting energy-saving appliances.

Of course, most people would love to save on their energy bills, and are constantly being ‘coaxed’ to do so: from scientific concern about the environment through to government literature and tax-incentives and onto media and commercial hype about saving energy in our homes. It can all appear a little daunting, with most consumers incredibly confused as to whether using a low energy light bulb in the kitchen will actually save the planet. So what should we do?

As Green Energy point out: ‘like everything there is a line between fact and fantasy: elegance versus pragmatism; commercial sense versus commercial nonsense, which Green Energy is here to clarify. You do have a choice: there are benefits for you, your wallet and the environment; but there are also pitfalls, a large bandwagon of poor quality ‘me too’ products and an awful lot of noise.’

For this reason Green Energy recommends using only stable, mature and recommended products. Moreover, it runs a product evaluator (Power Helix) where it invites companies to submit their products for evaluation before promoting recommended products via Green Energy.

The company are to inform people of a range of energy saving electrical systems and products that are available, and then lead them to ethical, professional suppliers. The modern energy efficient home and workplace can use electricity generated by the wind, the sun and by water. These new energy saving technologies can make for huge reductions in bills and dramatically reduce carbon emissions. To find out more visit