Hot Water Made AquaEasy

AquaEasy is an imaginative addition to the Alfa Laval range of Domestic Hot Water systems designed for controllable, straightforward supply of hot water in apartment blocks, hotels, schools, sports centres and similar buildings. Compact, simple, yet effective, AquaEasy provides up to 350kW of capacity within a slim, space-saving silhouette which allows it to be floor or wall-mounted or installed in a cupboard.

AquaEasy can be connected to any kind of heating source on the primary side, whether conventional gas boiler, District Heating network or a renewable energy source such as solar panels or a heat pump. A high efficiency CB60 copper-brazed heat exchanger transfers energy from the primary to the secondary side. A 2 or 3 port thermostatic valve combines with a rapid response thermostat to provide quick and precise regulation of the water temperature, while efficient insulation minimises heat loss.

AquaEasy can also be equipped with a secondary thermostat that acts as a failsafe and stops the flow of the primary hot water to the heat exchanger if it senses the temperature is too high or the main thermostat develops a fault.