Renewable Energy Solutions

There can be no argument that people need to reduce their energy bills; it is a problem exacerbated by the fact that Middle East oil supplies are close to reaching their roll over point, where the cost of extracting the oil out of the earth is higher than the oil itself. And of course, the global ecosystem is close to a state of collapse.

People want to do the responsible (and financially sensible) thing, but many are not aware of or are just not convinced about the renewable energy systems currently available. Yet, these systems can give householders and businesses what they badly need nowadays by significantly reducing energy costs, whilst also helping the environment. It’s a ‘win-win’ situation, and one that Maidenhead-based BritishEco has considerable expertise in.

Designing and installing renewable energy systems for domestic, commercial and public sector buildings, BritishEco offers a broad portfolio of solutions, including solar thermal panels, solar PV (photovoltaic) panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, rainwater harvesting and biomass boilers. Moreover, as a national company accredited by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS), and a member of the REAL Assurance Scheme, BritishEco is not tied in with any one manufacturer, dictating that it can offer advice regarding Government Feed-in Tariffs (FITs), Renewable Heat Incentives (RHIs) and other local incentives in a completely independent manner.

The company, can, for instance, advise customers on how they can benefit when they install a renewable energy system: how they can earn money with the Government incentive schemes (FITs and RHI), how they can save money on their fuel bills, how to protect themselves from future energy price rises and cut their carbon footprint.

The introduction of FITs in 2010 saw interest reach record levels in the UK, on the back of extremely strong incentives to invest in renewable energy. Through Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariffs there are financial, as well as environmental benefits for anyone in England, Scotland and Wales who installs an eligible low carbon, green electricity technology, such as solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines. Just about everyone can benefit from the scheme including homeowners, tenants, businesses, schools, charities and farms.

In essence, customers are paid by their electricity supplier for every unit of electricity they produce. This is regardless of whether they use it themselves, or export it to the national grid – and the rate applicable at the time of installation will be guaranteed for a minimum of 20 years (or 25 years if PV systems are installed), plus there is an adjustment for inflation. But the time to act is now, as the current tariff will only stay at its present level for another 12 months.

In addition to FIT, the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) is a new Government-backed measure being introduced in 2011, where people can earn a fixed income for every kilowatt hour of heat they produce. If you invested in a renewable heat system, the heat produced is likely to be used in your own property, but if you are lucky enough to be connected to a heat network you could get an additional payment for ‘exporting’ surplus heat. RHI will help support the production of renewable heat from sources such as biomass boilers, ground and air source heat pumps and solar thermal panels, all of which BritishEco provide, supply and install.

In 2011 most people still use antiquated technology. It is inefficient. And yet we continue to use it despite the availability of newer, more efficient, and more cost-effective alternatives. At BritishEco, its mission is to make buildings more efficient and economical – today.

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