UKSIPS to build theatre and run free Technical Talk seminar programme over two days at Timber Expo

The UK Structural Insulated Panel Association (UKSIPS) will use SIPS technology to construct one of the show seminar theatres at Timber Expo on 27 and 28 September.

UKSIPS experts will use this theatre to communicate technical issues and project case studies to up to 500 seminar delegates, as part of a two-day free of charge Timber Talk seminar programme.

The 48sqm theatre will form the heart of a ‘SIP Zone’ with many UKSIPS Members exhibiting. The theatre will have a seating capacity of 50 delegates per session and 15 different presentations will be delivered over the two days of the show. UKSIPS Chairman Andrew Orriss said, ‘SIPS technology is making serious advances into the construction arena as developers and contractors realise the huge savings in time and cost this modern method of construction offers as a readily available low carbon building solution. There is a real thirst for knowledge, which we aim to address at Timber Expo.’

The seminar sessions will be technically focused, with case study examples, reflecting the five key subjects highlighted in UKSIPS Technical Bulletins to be published in the run up to the event; from Structural to Acoustic performance. Passivhaus/Low Carbon design with SIPS will also be included. The case study themes will be sector specific, covering for example housing, education, hotels and leisure, healthcare and multi-storey construction.

Mr Orriss added, ‘The seminar sessions will be free of charge and there is no need to pre-register.
We expect huge interest in the seminar programme and some sessions are likely to be oversubscribed but we will make provision for “standing room” in the gangways to accommodate extra numbers.’