Visual Estimating Heralds New Dawn for Builders

The most significant advancement in estimating since the calculator has been launched and will revolutionise the way builders quote for new work. It follows the advancement of HBXL’s PlansXpress design-based software and its integration with the company’s EstimatorXpress estimating software to create the country’s first visual estimating system.

This software combination allows builders to draw the project on-screen with PlansXpress using simple drag and drop tools, and then import the drawing into EstimatorXpress which will price the full job accurately at the click of a button!

Anthony Botibol, marketing manager at HBXL claims that this new visual estimating technology is the only one of its kind for builders in the UK. Anthony says, “Visual estimating vastly speeds up the estimating process compared with older methods of using software, pen and paper, spreadsheets or calculators. And it cannot be beaten for accuracy or professionalism. Plus, the bonus is that you’ll have a full 2D drawing and automatic 3D model to hand to your customers and knock the socks off your competition.And it’s this availability of being able to visually produce plans and highly accurate estimates at the same time is why Anthony is convinced those who do not adapt to estimating in this way will lose out when tendering for new work. He said: “This software is probably the most sophisticated package on the market, capable of producing photo realistic designs but is at the same time completely user friendly. Each element of the design can be scrutinised and adjusted by the client and the full range of cost options offered.

 “The days when a builder pulled a chewed pencil stub from behind his ear and sketched out some crude designs on the back of a fag packet are long gone. Even working from spreadsheets is out-of-date.

 “Nowadays people are far more knowledgeable and computer-savvy and expect tradesmen to demonstrate the same grasp of technology. So to be able to present professional plans visualising the layout of where a door, window or radiator are positioned is a huge step forwards. “The beauty of this software is that if a customer isn’t happy with something, then all the builder has to do is drag and move it elsewhere on screen. It’s that simple.”
But it’s not just the ability to produce high-end plans that is set to impress but also the professionalism and accuracy of the quotes and the library of 50+ reports to analyse cashflow, profit, costs and even produce a list of materials – all at the exact quantity you require to assist when ordering from merchants.Anthony added: “The integration of PlansXpress version 3 with EstimatorXpress is the perfect tool for builders to stay one step ahead of the opposition whether the work is new builds, extensions, renovations, lofts, landscaping and more. The Visual estimating combo of software is suited for all general construction.

 “The ability to focus in on any part of the design and cost within the 2D or 3D plan gives customers a clear sense of being in control of the project rather than simply picking the first name from the phone book and hoping for the best. “Our research shows that clients often find there is very little to choose from one builder to the next when selecting the right one for their project, so to produce architect-quality plans, 3D models and photo-realistic images quickly and easily is a real winner. “People rely on trade people’s professional integrity when approaching builders with a project and this product gives them that vital first impression edge.”

For a free demo of HBXL’s Visual Estimating System or any other HBXL product call T: 0845 1234 065 or visit the web site