Ample Energy Services

Since the recent increase, interest and growth of knowledge in solar photovoltaic installations, Ample Energy Services have taken their own grid connected system one step further, which is an option that most owners of a PV system can take advantage of.

Ample Energy Services have installed a battery back-up system, which in the event of a mains power failure their power is switched in 20 milliseconds to battery back-up, so no loss of power to their office and warehouse.

The PV system is also used as the generator, so while there is enough power during daylight hours the panels on the warehouse roof supply the energy to the building. During the hours of darkness there are 484 amp hours of batteries at 48 volts and converting back into AC supply through a rectifier inverter back to 230 volts.

Ample’s ambition is to run their office totally grid free within the next few years. They have installed an SMA monitoring system to view the PV plant. Their office also has a full solar thermal heating system which has a tremendous cost saving as it supplements their heating and hot water demands.

Since their last publication in May they have continued working alongside many major Construction Companies and Housing Associations meeting their energy demands for the Code for Sustainable Homes.

If you would like to learn more about the battery back-up system or have any other renewable energy questions or demands please contact Ample’s office on 01322 310790.