Fast Track

Name: Steve McGuckin

Position: UK Managing Director

Company: Turner & Townsend

Type of Business: Global construction consultancy and programme managers


CM: What was your first proper job?

Steve: I studied architecture sponsored by George Wimpey, in what was known at the time as a thick sandwich course. I know a contractor training an architect is a bit like King Herod looking after a nursery. However, it worked for me.

CM: Briefly chart your career to date.

Steve: Seven years as an architect with Fitch and then Nick Grimshaw where I was a Project Architect for Waterloo International Terminal. Then eight years at Mace working on projects such as British Museum, London Eye, Heathrow Terminal 5. Thereafter seven years at Land Securities, first as Development Director and then Director of Projects. I bought approximately £1 bn of construction every year for the time I was there. Notable projects included One New Change, New Street Square and Bank Side in Southwark (RBS and IPG). For the last three and a half years I’ve been UK Managing Director at Turner & Townsend. I look after 1,250 people and have grown the business each year despite the recession. Notable projects include The Shard and Crossrail.

CM: What inspires you to go to work every day?

Steve: The desire to move the business up to a new level, and make a difference to our clients and our people. Great projects, and seeing the team motivated in what they’re doing.

CM: As a construction industry professional/leader, describe your three main qualities.

Steve: Perspective gained from a rounded career. Durability and integrity.

CM: And your worst quality?

Steve: Despite some questionable behaviour in the ‘beautiful game’, I have supported Chelsea FC for nearly 50 years.

CM: What has been the most satisfying moment in your career?

Steve: I’ve had many magic moments mainly around projects. Probably the stand out career high was getting a first class honours degree against stiff competition, yet still enjoying a ‘full on’ student life.

CM: What has been your biggest mistake in the business?

Steve: I don’t think I’ve made a huge mistake that stands out, probably just lots of smaller ones.

CM: If you could work in a completely different field of business, what would it be?

Steve: Run a scuba diving business in the Maldives.

CM: What has been the most beneficial development in the construction industry during your time of involvement?

Steve: A move to collaboration in contracts.

CM: If you could employ anybody from the worlds of construction or business who would it be and why?

Steve: I do meet some impressive leaders in the industry, but I am cautious about big names as they can come with big egos. My most successful hires have been confident professionals who also have a down-to-earth and honest team approach.