High performance aluminium glazing systems from Wicona are set to withstand some of the most extreme climatic conditions on earth, following the completion of a new research station in the Antarctic.

Designed by Hamburg-based architects, bof Architekten, the new Indian research station Bharati on the Antarctic coast comprises 134 prefabricated units wrapped in an aluminium envelope, which will withstand powerful winds of up to 270km/h, abnormally high thermal and mechanical loads caused by blizzards, huge quantities of snow, and temperatures of minus 40°C and below.

The 6,500sqft facility incorporates extensive glazing from Wicona which will allow the building’s occupants to maintain a strong visual connection with the dramatic surrounding landscape. The specially-adapted WICTEC 50 ‘stick’ curtain walling system features triple glazing and highly insulated aluminium panels to ensure a comfortable internal environment and achieve an outstanding U value of 0.8 W/m2K. The glazed façade is inclined up to 15° at the two narrow ends and had to allow for assembly and disassembly for testing purposes in Germany before the final installation in the Antarctic. By incorporating a high level of glazing into the station’s design, the 25 staff working there now have a magnificent view of their polar location, which will help to counter their sense of confinement. 15 scientists and logistics staff will live and work in the station all year round, carrying out oceanographic research into the 120 million year history into the break up of the Indian subcontinent.

Because of the extreme climatic conditions, the aluminium curtain walling profiles were fitted with electric heating elements, and the frame was pre-assembled into modules to speed up installation on site.