Mitsubishi Electric, a market leader in renewable energy technology, has produced two new videos to help drive a change in mindset about the way in which we use energy in our buildings.  The videos, uploaded to the company’s YouTube Channel, explore the concept behind its Green Gateway philosophy and explain why heat pump technology is the preferred solution over fossil fuel.

In response to climate change, rising fuel costs and dwindling resources Mitsubishi Electric is seeking to open a dialogue with those involved in the development and renovation of building stock, both commercial and domestic, to introduce new ways of thinking about the design and installation of energy systems.

“The UK faces a major challenge if we are to achieve the targets set for the built environment and in isolation what lies ahead can seem daunting, in terms of scale, costs and timeframe,” said Martin Fahey, Sustainable Solutions Manager for Mitsubishi Electric.  “But if we take a collaborative approach to applying environmental solutions, based on a principle of ‘doing the right thing’, together we can achieve our targets and bring about real change.  The use of renewable energy sources wherever possible will ensure that we achieve optimum energy efficiency in every building, along with a significant reduction in carbon emissions.”

Mitsubishi Electric believes in practicing what it preaches and its own response to the challenge of Green Gateway is a change in the way in which it does business, instilling positive changes within its own operations and seeking to influence those of its customers.

The company is inviting others to do the same by taking a closer look at the way in which they solve the energy needs within their own buildings.

“These days we should all be aware of how we can increase the efficiency of the fabric of our buildings and lower our carbon output, through the use of renewable technology,” said Mr Fahey.  “We already have tough legislation targets to achieve in the UK and they are set to become ever more challenging in the future.”

To learn more about Green Gateway and how to get involved please visit