Noise reduction experts Echo Barrier have backed lobbyist calls for an independent noise regulator to be appointed by Transport Secretary Justine Greening ahead of her review into plans to build a third runway at Heathrow.

The company – whose noise barriers can achieve up to 30dB in sound reduction – are joining calls for noise pollution to be taken seriously when it comes to building projects. Noise pollution is one of the biggest complaints from residents across south and west London who live under the flight path — and so is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to expansion.

However, it’s not just large scale initiatives such as Heathrow that create levels of noise which are a problem for residents; even small public building works can produce noise which becomes a nuisance.

Peter Wilson, Technical Director at Echo Barrier, said: “Noise pollution is sometimes overlooked as an intrusive outcome of positive building projects such as a new runway, or smaller scale works such as upgrades to a rail track or improving the condition of an underground station. However, excess noise can be an issue of public health and safety, and must be considered in any review.

“Local councils, contractors and businesses must ensure that they have noise attenuation measures in place to ensure that they aren’t a disruption to the local community. There are many solutions to this, such as acoustic barriers, which reduce noise levels, can extend working hours and can add an aesthetically pleasing element to any building site. Measures such as these show residents that their welfare is high on the agenda of any building plan.”

“We absolutely support the appointment of an independent noise regulator and we would hope that any role would include looking into the issue of noise pollution as a whole.”

Echo Barrier offers high tech, market leading solutions for controlling excessive noise. Echo Barrier systems make noise management simple, fast and highly effective. They are flexible, provide exceptional acoustic performance, are easy to store, transport and fit.

The commercial benefits of noise reduction are enormous, including extending site operating hours (and so reducing operational costs), minimising noise complaints, enhancing company reputation and providing for an improved working environment.

For more information about Echo Barrier visit