Foremans Relocatable Building Systems has handed over a sixth form centre at a new academy in Reading. The scheme at The Piggott School was constructed from recycled steel-framed modules and was handed over after just six weeks on site.

The modular building provides eight dedicated classrooms, office accommodation, meeting room, a social space for students, kitchen and a quiet study area with the potential to expand from 75 to 115 PCs to meet the academy’s future needs.

The two-storey scheme was constructed from 48 pre-owned steel modules, which were fully refurbished and reconfigured to meet the school’s specific requirements for the new facility.

Commenting on the project, Nadine Doble, Business Manager at Piggott School said: “The new building has provided us with a dedicated space for our sixth form and has freed up teaching accommodation in the main school. The project has lifted the whole school and we are genuinely delighted with it.”

“We were impressed with Foremans’ performance throughout – from the initial planning stages, the project management to handover. It all went very smoothly and with little distraction, even during the cranage and installation.”

“Time and cost were the key factors in us choosing a recycled modular solution. We were looking at traditional construction but would have had to wait several years for

the funds and the construction phase would have taken longer too.”

“We would definitely recommend the approach to other schools and would use Foremans again. The sense of space in the open plan area is fantastic and the quality of the finishes is excellent. This project has really exceeded our expectations.”

The building was fully refurbished with new windows, cladding, wall linings, partitions, M&E services, doors and flooring, creating high quality teaching accommodation for the academy’s permanent use. The building modules were delivered to site around 70% complete to reduce work on site and any disruption to the school. Foremans also managed the planning process, Building Regulations approvals and fully fitted out the building. Externally, the scheme features timber cladding, brise soleil and a canopy over the entrance.

The Piggott School specialises in modern languages and humanities, and achieved academy status in 2011. It is an OfSTED outstanding school.

The recycling and refurbishment of relocatable buildings is one of the most sustainable methods of construction – helping to reduce carbon emissions, waste sent to landfill, and improving a building’s carbon footprint. Other environmental benefits include significantly less energy consumed in the construction process, fewer vehicle movements to site than new build, and it allows the embodied energy of a modular building that has become surplus to requirements, to be preserved.

For further information about recycled and refurbished modular buildings for schools and colleges, visit, email [email protected], or call 01964 544344.