Saneou Al Hadath Unveils MENA Region’s Top Cities

Dubai has been voted the best city in the Arab world to live in for 2012. Arab business publication Saneou Al Hadath ranked Dubai the most popular living destination in the Middle East and North Africa for the third time.

The report is supported by several indices and figures disclosed from international research institutions across the following sectors: business and economy, health, education, telecom and transportation, security and human rights, culture and leisure.

With results released every March, Saneou Al Hadath’s annual study has become one of the leading indicators of where to live in the Middle East and North Africa region. Closely examining 19 Arab cities across the region, the study provides general knowledge and insight into local standards of living and acts as a platform for governmental institutions, businesses and academia for research, analysis and decision making.

Commenting on the study, Osama Al Renna, Managing Editor of Saneou Al Hadath, says: “The study this year came under exceptional circumstances where the wave of Arab revolutions swept over many countries, which impacted negatively on a large number of indicators that we adopt in our study.”

He added: “Gulf countries still lead the first ranks in most of the indicators addressed in the study. And the high competition remains, as usual, between Dubai, which came first, and Abu Dhabi, which came second. Doha came third in the overall standings. Many important factors have contributed to allow the Gulf cities to occupy the top spots.”

Each year the study has revealed strong competition between Arab cities, in particular Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which have fought for the title of ‘Best Arab City to Live in’ since the study’s inception in 2007. This rivalry can be attributed to sharing similar living environments and social factors, which other Arab cities lack, such as economic status and human rights.

The Gulf cities achieved that due to the huge budgets provided by their governments to support their development in various sectors, and the fact they enjoy economies of strengths to help them continue to achieve good rates commensurate with the global economic situation.

This year Saneou Al Hadath added two new classifications: the best Arab cities in the Levant, and the best Arab city in North Africa, with Amman and Tunisia taking the top spots respectively.

Al Renna added: “The results are based on conclusions for the year from reports from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency CIA Fact Book, the World Bank’s annual report, the International Finance Cooperation, the Transparency International Organization, Heritage Foundation, the International Monetary Fund, the Global Competitiveness Report issued by the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, in addition to many studies, such as the Internet World Stats, the report of tourism competitiveness, the ONDD report specialising in investment risks, and the study of Freedom House, Vision of Humanity and the report of Human Development of the United Nations and Reporters Without Borders.”