Use Glenigan or ABI sales leads?

Short of time and expertise to get the best new business out of them?

Expert help is at hand … the proven Sales Lead ‘Prospector’ service from CMS will help you increase new business levels – quickly and effectively.

If you use ABI, Glenigan or Conference project leads at planning, tender or contract-award stage, you’ll know the potential they have for new sales and the development of new business relationships

If used right, they can be an exceptionally powerful ‘tool’ for your marketing. But it demands dedicated time and a lot of confident, construction-experienced, mature telephone expertise.

Could you secure more profitable business from your leads if you had

really good people in your team – experts with the time to commit to developing new business and new relationships from your leads?

Yes? Then here’s the answer. It’s the tested and proven Sales Leads Prospector service from Contractors Marketing Services. You can now hire your own sales leads development expert from us ONE DAY A WEEK or as you want. You get:

• Your own dedicated CMS Sales Leads developer one day a week working on your leads in your office as a part of your team.

• You get the 100% committed time you need from confident, tenacious experts who know the industry.

• Targeted ongoing sales within a business development strategy developed and agreed with you

• A flexible agreement – just a month at a time though our team stay with clients for often years. And no NIC or employment costs either

• Or if you want we can work for you off-site from our own sales centre.

This service is based on many years proven sales consultancy with builders, sub-contractors and architects.

See more at, then ring us on 01256 475880 or email us at [email protected]

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