Discrete Heat, the company behind the innovative ThermaSkirt heating system, is going from strength to strength. Sales are up 30% on last year and over 10,000 ThermaSkirt heating systems have been sold to date for both domestic homes and commercial installations.

The skirting board heating system is a great alternative to conventional radiators and underfloor heating, and by confining the heating system to the skirting area, ThermaSkirt frees up all the space taken by radiators and can be fitted in any room without the disruption associated with installing underfloor heating. It’s also typically 13% more energy efficient than these other heating methods.

ThermaSkirt’s compatibility with renewables such as air and ground source, biomass and solar thermal systems was recognised last year when Discrete Heat won the award for the most innovative product of the year at the National Heat Pump Awards. The company continues to grow in the renewables sector introducing the ThermaTwin, having recently acquired manufacturing of the established Solar Twin product, a PV powered hot water system. Some 3,000 of these systems are already installed across the UK providing all the benefits of ‘free’ hot water, the solar thermal units being powered by small solar PV panels.

Discrete Heat Managing Director Martin Wadsworth is very upbeat about the company’s future, “We are delighted with the way business is going with ThermaSkirt now featuring in many prestigious installations from the NHS and schools to care homes and housing associations. He continues, “We continue to refine both ThermaSkirt and ThermaTwin and later this year we are to launch another product into the renewables sector.”

To cater for the increasing demand and new activity in the company, staff numbers have increased at Discrete Heat’s Atherton base near Manchester and Russ Hamer, formerly of Quinn/Barlow Radiators has just been appointed as Operations Director responsible for manufacturing and production in the company. Business growth has also come from international markets, Discrete Heat now supplying its ThermaSkirt heating systems into Western Europe, Australasia, South America and ever more frequently to the USA.

Further information on Discrete Heat and its products ThermaSkirt and ThermaTwin are available from the company on 0845 1238367 email: [email protected] or by visiting the company’s website at www.discreteheat.co.uk