Estimating – A HISTORY Future Lesson!

It’s fair to say that the practice of estimating has been around ever since man made his first permanent shelter… whilst the process may not have been sophisticated, someone would most definitely have had the job of working out what equipment and materials would be required, the time it would take and the labour (or maybe number of slaves!) needed. And, of course, they would have been expected to answer the most important questions of all; how much is it going to cost?!

From the pyramids in Egypt to our own Stonehenge, whilst they may not have called themselves estimators, you can bet that someone had to report back to the head honcho and provide all the answers. Sources state that the 3 phase build at Stonehenge took over 1,000 years to complete – how about that for a work schedule! I can’t see many prospective clients taking that sort of detail well…

Fast forwarding several thousand years ahead and building practices have undergone a millennia of innovation and technological advancement. Proof of this progression can be seen throughout the UK; from the Olympic stadium and the Channel Tunnel to indoor toilets, double glazed windows and cavity wall insulation. But what about the estimation process that goes hand in hand with almost every building project that’s undertaken; is it keeping up?

There’s no doubt that the burden on estimators everywhere got lighter since the mass availability of the electronic calculator in the 1970’s; pen and paper were still a necessary tool but having a pocket sized mathematical genius to hand no doubt speeded up the process and created greater accuracy.

Close on its heels came perhaps the greatest invention of all time, one that has catapulted estimating capability straight out of the park… the computer! And when a computer is combined with the right estimating software, estimating has never been easier or more accurate.

Since creating their first estimating program over 25 years ago, Easy Price Pro have continuously looked at what estimators of the future will require and time and time again delivered it early; ensuring that their army of users are ready and equipped to accurately price all types of jobs quickly and easily – this includes jobs using the latest building technologies.

Their latest release New Houses and Extensions Plus™ version 6.0 is no exception. Retaining the attractive qualities of its predecessor (the ability to price a new build or extension in an hour, complete with a set of professional reports automatically generated at a click of a button) the version 6.0 also comes with; new and improved usability, more pricing options, even more interactive 3D pictures, an improved Written Quotation with images and much more.

If you want a first class lesson in the future of estimating, book a free no obligation demonstration of the New Houses and Extensions Plus™ today by calling 0845 612 47 47 or visiting