Independent Guidance Supports Annoyance Dust Monitoring Indices

Dust, defined as particles smaller than 75 microns, is regularly monitored on British construction and demolition sites. Dust coarser than 10 microns is often termed ‘nuisance’ or ‘annoyance’ dust. It may not be a health risk dust but its appearance can result in loss of amenity, worry and can therefore impact on the wellbeing of people and communities.

In 2012, the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) issued a document covering demolition and construction operations indicating the need to assess annoyance dust levels at and around these sites – ‘Guidance on Air Quality Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites’. Following this, the Environment Agency has recently re-drafted its ‘Technical Guidance Note (Monitoring) M17’ on particulate matter in ambient air. Both documents refer to passive monitoring of fugitive dust and use the measurement indices of Absolute Area Coverage (%AAC) and Effective Area Coverage (%EAC). When these two parameters are linked in the manner indicated in the IAQM guidance, the risk of potential annoyance dust levels at and around constructions sites can be estimated as shown below.


The Dust Annoyance Risk Assessment Matrix

A widely used technique for passive monitoring of fugitive dust employs the low-cost equipment developed by DustScan Ltd. The DS100-D, a combined directional and deposition dust monitor is used throughout the UK and increasingly abroad. It provides the necessary AAC and EAC parameters and is conveniently modified for use in urban as well as rural areas. Around construction sites it is commonly installed on street furniture and site hoardings.


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