Prevent unnecessary evacuations with AlarmCall

False fire alarms are an increasing concern to the fire service and facilities managers, as they can be disruptive, costly, and tie up fire service resources unnecessarily. Call Systems Technology’s (CST) AlarmCall helps prevent false fire-alarm evacuation, assuring organisations that their staff and visitors will only be asked to leave the premises when there is a genuine emergency.

AlarmCall is an easy to use solution that works with your existing fire alarm system to dramatically improve your response times to fire alarm activations, helping you minimise the disruption of false alarms.

When an alarm has been activated, AlarmCall discreetly pages trained fire-prevention marshals via an alphanumeric pager, up to 3 minutes before the alarm reaches “Call Out” status. AlarmCall gives the fire marshals the information they need to investigate the source of the alarm quickly by sending them the exact location of the alarm. If the alarm is false, the full alarm can be cancelled and evacuation is prevented.

AlarmCall has been installed, tested and proven in thousands of sites across the UK and Europe. ASDA has implemented the AlarmCall system across its 370 stores and reduced false evacuations by half.

DeafCall, part of the AlarmCall suite, helps UK employers comply with the Equality Act 2010. DeafCall is a specialist pager system that alerts individuals with impaired hearing when fire alarms have been activated, giving them time to take evasive action. The system meets BS5839 requirements and is installed in over 500 sites nationwide in schools, businesses and retail premises.