From site plans to sustainability issues, from build quality to building regulations, the active House Developer has many variables to consider, whatever the size of site. With market pressures to deliver a property with a unique look to attract the ever-present discerning buyer, the quality of internal finishes becomes paramount.
When considering the aesthetics of internal door finishes, Premdor, one of Britain’s leading door manufacturers, has made it considerably easier for the builder and house developer with the launch of Inspiration, a range guide showcasing the Premdor door range, but stripped bare of all sizing and technical data featuring instead upon high quality photography of the many door options.

The Inspiration guide refreshingly concentrates on visual suggestions for doors around the home, be it traditional or contemporary in design, utilising colour, texture or the beauty of natural timber finishes to provide warmth and character. The guide contains over 50 pages of design suggestions.

So, take the hard work out of researching which door finishes would suit your development, let Premdor help with the Inspiration Developer Guide, it’s free of charge and available by ringing 0844 2090008 or visit www.premdor.co.uk