Dorset firm celebrate Imperial War Museum £40m transformation with David Cameron and Prince William

DORSET based protective coating specialists join in the reopening celebrations of iconic London Imperial War Museum following £40m transformation.

The museum closed for the 6 month project which saw major construction works within the main gallery to create a brand new atrium where Community Clean was able to put their signature concrete protective coating services to work.

The company, which has over 15 years’ industry experience, were involved in the project for a 6 week duration alongside the multitude of trades all working on the colossal project simultaneously.

Operations Director Martin Izzard said: “This tremendous project presented a variety of challenges as it was not only an extremely busy site with a tight deadline, we were delivering our services amongst many priceless and irreplaceable artefacts that were still on display during the transformation.”


With the construction work involving digging down to reveal new levels to the display gallery, concrete specialists Techrete were responsible for installing bespoke concrete fins throughout the atrium that required a specific protective coating.

Over 200 new bespoke concrete surfaces were installed throughout the museum, among which were 18 enormous fins scaling from floor to ceiling at 23 metres high within the new atrium.

Mr Izzard added: “Our Operatives had the best seats in the house while applying the specialist protective coating. Working at 23 metres high alongside the Harrier jump jet and Spitfire which were still on display via wire suspension, was a spectacular sight. I’m ecstatically proud of our team for completing the job to our usual high standard given the pressured and unusual site environment.”

The dramatic new atrium houses the iconic large gallery objects from the First World War which is overlooked by key collections and stories on the surrounding terraces.

Among the extensive work that took place also included the relocation of the souvenir shop and cafe to the ground floor which has allowed for adjoining outside seating. This is the first phase of a master plan which will eventually include a new entrance.

The London museum reopening ceremony with David Cameron and Prince William took place on 19th July 2014 marking the Centenary of the start of the First World War.

For a full gallery of pictures of the reopening celebration click here.