Health and Safety: Getting the Right Result

Increasing regulation of Health and Safety in the United Kingdom has brought challenges to all spheres of business, but perhaps none more so than the construction industry, where greater risks abound and every aspect of the work undertaken can be subject to the scrutiny of the authorities.

From sole traders and small partnerships, to large national and international firms – no one is exempt from the duty to ensure the safety of workers and members of the public alike who may be at risk as a result of their business.

Enforcement measures can range from improvement and prohibition notices issued on site to criminal prosecutions that can take years to come to court. Companies and individuals may become involved in an inquest at the Coroner’s Court if a death occurs. Corporate manslaughter cases are on the increase. Company directors are often now investigated and charged personally with health and safety offences in criminal cases arising out of the activities of their companies. Timely, specialist legal advice can be crucial in all these circumstances.

2 Bedford Row are recognised as one of the leading sets of criminal and health and safety barristers in the country and provide just such advice and assistance with a dedicated team of expert health and safety barristers, including the leading QCs in the field and a group of highly experienced juniors specialising in this complex area of the law. From investigation to enforcement actions and appeals right through to criminal prosecutions of companies and individuals, members of the Health and Safety team at 2 Bedford Row can assist as soon as the need arises.

Members of 2 Bedford Row have been involved in all of the leading health and safety cases in recent years and have made significant contributions to health and safety law and practice and are able to offer the kind of practical advice and assistance that only comes with that level of experience and knowledge of the industry.

The barristers at 2 Bedford Row can be approached at any stage either through solicitors or directly under the Direct Access scheme by contacting John Grimmer (Senior Clerk) or Paul Rodgers (Clerk) on 0207 440 8888.

Further details of 2 Bedford Row’s specialist work in this area can be found at