Is there slavery today in UK construction?

You might think slavery doesn’t exist in UK construction, but sadly you’d be wrong. 

There is no official figure for the number of victims trafficked into this country every year, but the Human Trafficking Foundation estimates 20,000 people are working in slavery in the UK, and says that number is rising.

The government is spending £2.3m on the first nationwide TV, online and poster awareness campaign, aimed at encouraging the public to identify signs of slavery in the UK and report them to a new national helpline.

Watch the TV campaign for yourself at

Leading organisations and industry bodies within the UK food industry have joined forces to help the sector tackle the scourge of modern day slavery.


The “Stronger Together” initiative is about equipping UK employers with the knowledge and resources to tackle this hidden worker exploitation.  It has been developed by the Association of Labour Providers, the Gangmasters Licensing Authority and Migrant Help with sponsorship by UK supermarkets and support from leading industry bodies.

Employers can access a range of free resources at to help them deter, identify the signs and tackle hidden worker exploitation in their workplace and supply chain.  Materials include best practice guidance toolkits, multi-language workplace posters and leaflets, videos, policies and these are supported by regional interactive workshops.

Hundreds of UK food companies have already joined the Stronger Together initiative to help protect their business and workforce.

Are you the pioneering business that will lead the Stronger Together initiative into the construction sector? 

If so, please call Stronger Together on 01276 919190 or email [email protected].

Modern slavery is closer than you think.