CEFEP website goes online

New Internet portal for technical insulation materials
The CEFEP, an interest group of leading manufacturers for technical insulation, has announced the launch of its new website www.cefep.co.uk.

The launch of the new website offers a central forum for the technical insulation material industry and provides detailed information on current developments and specific product advantages. It describes the principal fields of application for technical foams made of flexible elastomers (FEF) and polyethylene (PEF) for technical building equipment and for application in industry.
The leading European manufacturers of technical insulation materials have joined forces in CEFEP to give users of the online platform better guidance when selecting products and to represent the sector in important national and European bodies.

Mainly directed toward expert planners, architects, political decision-makers, dealers and installers, the website offers an informative industry portal that gives manufacturer-neutral information on performance range and applications of technical materials made of flexible elastomeric and polyethylene foams.
Georg Eleftheriadis, chairman of the board of the GSH and CEFEP says that the website is another visible sign of how successful its operations are: “Here we show what our products can do and how they are applied. We also use the website to demonstrate the advantages of our materials compared with other insulation material products.”


Visitors to the website www.cefep.co.uk will also find useful information on CEFEP itself, its structures and members and common mission shared by those members. These aims include the concentration of expert knowledge and competences as well as the long-term development of uniform product standards.
CEFEP continues to expand cooperation

CEFEP operates under the umbrella of the European quality assurance association for rigid foam (GSH Güteschutzgemeinschaft Hartschaum). It was founded in 2012 and brings together all leading European manufacturers of technical insulation materials made of FEF and PEF. Its members include the companies Aeroflex, Armacell, Kaimann, L’lsolante K-Flex, NMC, Steinbacher Dämmstoffe, Thermaflex and Union Foam.

Members plan to position their high-quality technical insulation solutions in the market in an even better way than before. Joint requirements for quality awards and specific processing standards could follow in the long term.

“Quality and transparency are two important criteria by which we want our success in the manufacture and marketing of our products to be measured,” says Eleftheriadis.

The first flexible foamed plastics went onto the US market more than 65 years ago. Since then, these products have proved their worth in practical use. The optimization of their thermal and acoustic insulation performance means that they are used in a wide range of areas today. Especially with regard to the improvement of energy efficiency, for example in buildings and in systems engineering, technical insulation materials are now playing an increasingly important role on the European market.
