Independent Connection Provider g2 Energy complete works on 33 solar grid connections ahead of March 31st deadline…

Since April 2016 g2 Energy have completed ICP works and Balance of Plant works on 57 embedded generation projects, including 33 x Solar PV projects and 18 x 500kVA single wind turbines, along with further AD plants and gas connected STOR (peaking) generation projects. This equates to over 300MW of embedded generation connected to the network by g2 Energy this year alone.
g2 Energy’s busiest period has been Q1 2017, when they successfully completed works on 30 generation projects. This included 25 solar farms, 4 wind turbines and 1 STOR plant. 24 of the solar farms were completed during the last three weeks of March to achieve accreditation prior to the tariff cut-off date of 31st March.

It is the sixth year running that g2 Energy has achieved a 100% record of completing all projects within the desired timescales for clients. The company completed various scopes of works on these projects, which ranged from the electrical and civil designs, Earthing and system studies through to the entire Contestable Works on site, including providing bespoke DNO approved Containerised Substations.

Managing Director, Kelvin Ruck, said “I am extremely proud of what my team has achieved in such a short but critical period. Despite a number of very late contract awards, we have again maintained our 100% track record. Unfortunately, we suspect that the number of solar & medium scale wind developments will reduce in the forthcoming year, however we have now positioned ourselves to assist with the new emerging technologies of battery energy storage and gas engine generation plants. These new projects will assist with the UK’s energy shortfall via the Capacity Market and Network Balancing and Frequency Control. We have also recently mobilised on the first two EFR battery storage projects to be developed in the UK, these will provide 25% of the EFR balancing for the National Grid under its first tender awarded in November 2016.”

g2 Energy are High Voltage Electrical and Civil Engineers who specialise in the design and construction of Balance of Plant infrastructure and grid connections. As a Lloyds NERS accredited Independent Connection Provider (ICP) g2 Energy can provide Contestable Works at voltages up to and including 132kV.

g2 Energy Networks Ltd also secured their IDNO licence in November 2016 which now allows them to own and operated licenced and regulated (by OFGEM) distribution networks.