Yuill Homes has welcomed a group of French apprentices to work on-site at its new Cecil Court development, as part of a foreign exchange programme in partnership with Hartlepool College of Further Education.

The apprentices are part of a group of 18 trainee bricklayers who have travelled from Les Compagnon du Devoir – an organisation of craftsman and artisans in Albi, near Toulouse – to take part in a three-week apprenticeship training scheme to learn more about English bricklaying.

As well as taking part in construction workshops and English Language classes at the college, the group of apprentices will spend four days a week on-site working with Yuill Homes’ award winning tradesman to develop their skills in general brickwork.

Rob Burrell, head of production at Yuill Homes, said: “We’re delighted to welcome the French apprentices on-site and hope that the experience of working in a new cultural environment will help to develop their skills in bricklaying.
“We’re committed to providing opportunities for local trainees through the Yuill Homes’ apprenticeship scheme and have successfully worked in partnership with Hartlepool College over the years which has provided on-site experience for a number of trainees which is vital for them to develop their skills, giving them a greater chance of gaining construction employment in the future.”

Funded through the European Community Leonardo da Vinci Mobility programme, the exchange will also see students from Hartlepool College take part in their own work placement with French employers, when they travel to Les Compagnon du Devoir in March.

20-year-old John Rudge, who is an award-winning apprentice bricklayer with Yuill Homes, has been chosen to take part in the exchange. He said: “I’m really pleased to have been chosen to take part in the exchange. French building methods are completely different to here in England, so I’m really looking forward to working with new materials and gaining new skills which will improve my knowledge as a bricklayer.”

Brian Hanson, work placement officer at Hartlepool College of Further Education, said: “Hartlepool College is delighted to once again provide our apprentices with the chance to learn new bricklaying skills in a trade environment very different to our own.

“We’re extremely proud of the international exchange opportunities we offer our students and would like to thank the support and dedication of employers such as Yuill Homes who provide focused work experience opportunities which is excellent for young learners.

“Working with experienced tradesman applying different practices, can only serve to provide the students with an experience that they will take with them into their future careers.”

For more information about Yuill Homes, visit: www.yuillhomes.co.uk.