Hubbard Bespoke Packaged Refrigeration Solution Suits Freeman NHS Hospital

Hubbard Products has supplied a bespoke refrigeration solution for the refurbishment of the kitchens at NHS Freeman Hospital part of the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Installed by Northshields based Coolcheck Refrigeration, the system incorporated high efficiency, Hubbard Packaged Scroll condensers, evaporators and personalised control panels. The complete system was designed by Hubbard Products design engineers in answer to a brief issued by Freeman Hospital’s facility managers to Coolcheck Refrigeration.

Energy efficiency and reliability was a critical feature of the brief, as the Freeman Hospital undergoes a major investment programme including a state-of-the-art centre for cancer and kidney disorder, care.

The refrigeration package specified by Hubbard Products was required to provide sufficient cooling capacity, with operating ranges from -21°C to + 8°C, for two holding freezers, two holding chills, a meat chiller, a prep area and a blast chiller. Special Control Panels comprising steel enclosures with door interlocking isolators to operate two sets of refrigeration plant were specified. The two sets operating at 100% capacity control the room on an automatic change over basis, on a preset time period and with a high temperature alarm. A manual change over was also provided. Supply for the condensing units is controlled from the panels, and the evaporators were supplied with electric defrost with the option of both sets of fans running to assist air circulation when required.

Eric Nelson, Hubbard Products’ Regional Sales Manager for the North of England and Scotland comments; “This was a complex and sophisticated design brief for any refrigeration solution, combining efficiency and high performance with reliability and value for money. It is a fine balancing act to deliver against all of these parameters, but with Coolcheck Refrigeration’s input and understanding of the on-site requirements it was possible to create a system using exclusively Hubbard products, even including bespoke control panels that allow total control and monitoring of the system on a 24/7 basis. He continues, “We have worked with Coolcheck Refrigeration on numerous projects, and their confidence in our design abilities and product qualities has helped us to make significant cost saving suggestions to the Freeman Hospital’s facility managers. A win-win situation for all parties.”

The system consists of:

• Holding freezer -18/-21°C

• Hubbard Products Zenith Scroll Z33 packaged unit R404A and special control panel

• Holding freezer -18/-21°C (within holding chill)

• Hubbard Products Zenith Scroll HZL480 packaged unit R404A and special control panel

• 2 x Holding Chills +1/+4°C

• 2 x Hubbard Products Zenith Scroll HZB30 packaged unit R404A and special control panels

• Meat Chiller

• Hubbard Products Zenith Hermetic HZ480 packaged unit R404A and control panel

• Prep Area +2°C

• Hubbard Products Zenith Scroll HZB19 packaged unit R404A and special control panel

• Blast Freezer -21°C

• Hubbard Products Zenith Semi-Hermetic SA7 packaged unit R404A and special control panel