Nuclear engineering on the curriculum

Nuclear engineering was on the curriculum for a group of 50 teenagers taking part in a four-day residential course at the University of Manchester. Organised by The Smallpeice Trust, in collaboration with the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) and URENCO, the course offered the teenagers the chance to get a hands-on experience, looking at the work being done in the field of nuclear engineering and the career opportunities available.

The four-day summer camp with a difference took place from the 23rd July to 26thJuly. The focus was the practical project to ‘design and make’ a working centrifuge to time and budget, supported by presentations and workshops. Students also learnt aspects of team and project management as well as the physics behind centrifuge separation.

David Edwards, Chief Executive, ECITB commenting on the nuclear engineering course said: “The ECITB is committed to increase the uptake and awareness of careers in all of our sectors in engineering construction amongst young people. We are deeply impressed with the quality of work produced and send congratulations to all who took part. The residential course provided a fantastic platform for young people to learn about the nuclear industry.

“We weren’t exactly sure what to expect from the course,” said one student who attended. “But we learnt considerably more than we had hoped about nuclear physics and engineering skills.”

David Edwards added: “The course gave the students practical experience of working with others to solve problems. Feedback from the students is highly positive, this is due to the mix of learning and provision of team building activities. Our partnership with The Smallpeice Trust is helping to create engineers of the future.”

The Nuclear Engineering course is run by independent charity, The Smallpeice Trust and is part of a programme of residential courses to help people aged 13 to 18 learn and develop skills in engineering, design, technology and manufacturing. Through running residential courses and STEM enrichment days, The Trust has reached out to 18,175 students across the UK in the past year. For more information about The Smallpeice Trust visit