Barnsdale and Roto achieve new EN standard

George Barnsdale & Son have achieved a successful, accredited test to BS EN 1627-30 for their timber window design, using Roto NT tilt and turn hardware.

“This is a seriously impressive result”, says Roto Technical Specialist Shaun Adams. “We’ve worked closely with Barnsdale and together we’ve created a specification to meet the demanding challenges of the BS EN testing standards.”

These new European security standards are widely acknowledged to be tougher than tests previously used in the UK. So just how stringent are they, and what exactly is involved?

The manufacturer needs to submit two identical windows. The first undergoes mechanical loading and impact testing. The results of these tests are used to identify the weakest areas of the window, and these are then targeted in the manual attack element. That’s where the second sample window comes in.

The mechanical element test on the first window involves static loads of 3kN being applied, not only to each locking point, but also to the glazing itself. The four corners of the glass must resist the full 3kN. (This contrasts with the maximum of 2kN applied in the BS PAS 24 door test.)

The amount of deflection created by each loading is recorded. The areas allowing the most movement are considered the weakest and earmarked for attack in the manual element. If the window survives these loadings, it’s still not off the hook, because the same item then undergoes the impact element.

The impact test, as defined in EN 1629, involves the use of a 50kg pneumatic tyre impactor. This hefty object is swung at each of the four corners of the sash in turn. If it withstands that, the window is then subjected to three consecutive impacts, right in the centre of the glazing.

“We are really pleased with the way the window, and especially for us at Roto, the hardware, stands up to it all,” says Shaun. After this, it’s time for the manual attack element. Normally, the second, fresh window is used for the manual section of the test. But in this case, Roto wanted to prove beyond doubt that the combination of Barnsdale window and its hardware could absorb all the stresses the test can apply.

With no visible fractures to any components, Roto decided to go for it and manually attack the window that had already been mechanically tested.

Under BS EN 1630, the technicians are allowed to use two wedges and one screwdriver, the latter of which must be no more than 365mm in length. Both wedges can be inserted and left in place to maintain stress on a section of the window whilst another locking point is attacked with the screwdriver.

During this part of the test, one of the technicians applied so much force he broke a screwdriver. The rules allow them to stop the clock, get a new screwdriver and carry on. The total attack time allowed for the test is three minutes.

“You only have to look at the photos of the window during and after the test to see how much punishment the window has taken”, says Shaun. Barnsdale & Sons Managing Director Stephen Wright agrees. “Roto have enabled us to achieve a stunning outcome,” he says. “It goes to show how secure timber windows can be when they are properly designed and constructed, and use the very best hardware.”

For more information on Roto hardware and testing to EN standards, contact Roto via their website