An innovative door entry system designed and installed by Delta Security is helping to significantly improve the peace of mind and wellbeing of elderly residents in sheltered housing accommodation at Hogarth Court, after the anti-social behaviour of local youths started to become a serious issue.

The entrance to Hogarth Court – owned and operated by Southern Housing Group – previously comprised a front gate opening onto a covered walkway leading to the main front door. The ease with which the walkway could be accessed, however, made it a popular meeting point for local youths.

The solution proposed and installed by Delta Security, however, now means that the approach to the front door is fully contained. The front gate has been replaced with a Delta Model 9 Door and entry system that allows the residents in whilst keeping the undesirables out, according to Bola Ishola, Resident Services Manager for Southern Housing Group: “Previously, residents would access the front gate off the street and then have to pass groups of youths who would congregate under the canopy,” she says.

“Not surprisingly, many felt intimidated by this and there were a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour that we were obliged to report. We therefore needed to find a solution.”

The Delta Model 9 door now installed is an innovative steel door with electro magnetic locks designed to control access to communal areas. It is extremely robust, being manufactured using a combination of a hollow steel frame and European rolled steel leaves that are welded and ground to a smooth finish. It incorporates an innovative Mag Lock fixed within a steel hollow section secured by stainless steel security screws. Entry to Hogarth Court is controlled via a proximity fob (for residents or staff) and call panel (for visitors/deliveries).

The entry system at both the street door and the front door is repeated, says Dave Mundy, Operations Manager at Delta Security: “Residents approaching the street door need only present their fob to gain entry,” he explains. “They are then protected until they reach the front door where they again present their fob to gain access.”

Both entry systems are identical, which enabled SHG to protect its existing investment without having to strip out and start again. The new system also affords better security: “Not only are residents better protected, but the system is designed to prevent tailgating,” Dave adds. “Once through the boundary door, the residents are out of potential harm’s way.”

Bola says that feedback from residents has been wholly positive: “Prior to installing the system, we consulted closely with residents and Delta hosted a coffee morning to discuss possible solutions,” she explains. “Since the system has been installed, residents feel considerably safer.”