Kuwait’Sabiya Power Plant at Full Power to Meet Country’s Summer Peak Electricity Demands

Phase two of the Sabiya combined cycle power plant project in Kuwait began commercial operation in time to meet the country’s peak electricity demands during the hot summer months. The government-owned Sabiya station is Kuwait’s largest power plant, which is using GE’s advanced gas turbine-generator technology, in combined cycle operations, to produce more than 2,000-megawatts (MW) of additional electricity for the grid.

Kuwait’s power demand is growing at approximately 7 to 10% per year, and at this rate, the country estimates it will reach national peak load demand of 25,000 MW by the year 2025.

GE has been working alongside the government to drive operational efficiencies and capacity enhancements by providing its world-class technologies. Last June, six GE 9FA gas turbines initially operated in simple cycle mode to add nearly 1400 MW to the grid when phase one of the plant was brought online. This recent upgrade to combined cycle mode (phase 2) boosted the plant’s output to more than 2000 MW, increasing Kuwait’s power generating capacity by nearly 20%. The combined-cycle conversion enables the plant to increase its output without any increase in fuel consumption, boosting its operating efficiency. The increased power adds capacity to the country’s power generation to help fuel Kuwait’s robust business and residential growth.

“The successful completion of phase two of the Sabiya combined cycle power project is a reflection of the Ministry of Electricity & Water’s commitment to provide reliable electricity for the people of Kuwait,” said Joseph Anis, president and CEO, GE Energy for the Middle East. “Working closely with the Ministry for over 40 years, this very important conversion project demonstrates our growing commitment to support the electricity needs of the country with efficiency enhancing solutions that are also more flexible and scalable.”

The plant was constructed in co-operation with Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) of South Korea.

With the Sabiya plant in full commercial operation, GE Energy’s services team is supporting the station under a seven-year operation and maintenance agreement, further illustrating GE’s long-term commitment to the successful operation of the facility.