Zain Group Set to Benefit

Zain Group, the leading telecommunications provider in the Middle East and North Africa, announced the signing of a strategic partnership with PCCW Global, the Hong Kong-based provider of voice and data solutions, in order to co-operate in the development and offer of international telecommunications services.

Zain Group is operational in eight markets across the Middle East and North Africa. This agreement will allow its operating companies to offer a wide range of integrated communications solutions. The services will be based on the latest Ethernet, IP, fibber, and satellite transmission technologies and will offer practical solutions to networking services and international communications.

The partnership is also expected to boost the development of Zain Group’s cloud computing services across its Middle East footprint, further enabling the company to forge new alliances with global partners so as to provide a dynamic platform for cloud-based international data services.

The services from the partnership between Zain and PCCW Global are expected to become available in the fourth quarter of this year. This partnership will provide the modern infrastructure for the transfer of data and information efficiently and with high quality. Nabeel Bin Salamah, Zain Group’s CEO stated: “This agreement allows us to benefit from the extensive technical experience and know-how of one of the world’s leading telecommunications infrastructure providers. Zain customers will experience the impact of even more innovative communications services.”

Bin Salamah continued: “The agreement with PCCW Global will ultimately extend to our operations in Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and South Sudan; and shall add a new dimension to our integrated communications offerings, allowing our operations to focus more of their resources to their core business. Moreover, this network will also provide unparalleled services to other ISP’s service provider and operations in the region.”

According to Bin Salamah, this move confirms Zain ‘s serious commitments to provide an enhanced portfolio of services as well as enriching its value added services and technological innovations.

Zain ‘s agreement with PCCW ties into the company’s strategy, which focuses on strategic network improvement and access to data. The partnership adds to the deal with NeuString for its OptiPrizer predictive analytics software, and with iPass for Zain customer access to a global Wi-Fi roaming service.