Fibrelite is now RIBA CPD Providers Network Accredited

Fibrelite, who specialise in the design and manufacture of lightweight, composite, watertight access covers is delighted to announce the following RIBA CPD Providers Network material is now available to book as a CPD seminar:

Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Composite Manhole and Trench Access Covers: A Safe, Light Alternative to Metal and Concrete and a Solution to the Metal Theft Epidemic.

Accredited Fibrelite Seminar Content Overview:

• Introduce glass reinforced plastic (GRP) composite

• Explain the differences between resin transfer moulding (RTM) and other types of GRP composites

• Improve knowledge of the benefits of GRP composite

• Explain where GRP composite can be used

• Highlight the best applications for GRP composite

• Introduce how and why GRP composite is used as an underground access cover

• Explain the benefits of GRP composite for underground access covers

• Show why RTM GRP composite is specified as an alternative to metal and concrete

• Explain what is important when specifying GRP composite as a material for access covers to underground services.

For further information and to book your CPD seminar, please contact Scott Dyson on +44 (0)1756 799 773 or by email [email protected]


Fibrelite Background

Fibrelite initially developed the composite manhole cover for petrol station forecourts where they needed to withstand the wheel loading of heavy goods vehicles and provide a fully watertight solution and from there quickly went on to be adopted worldwide. Fibrelite is now considered the ‘industry standard’ of high quality composite covers and underground containment systems.

Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) are established materials used in the building and construction industry as they provide an excellent balance between weight, performance and cost. “Manufactured using the latest GRP technology, the Fibrelite containment systems are all vacuum testable during and post installation and offer completely watertight solutions.” says David Holmes, Fibrelite’s Technical Director and Head of Product Innovation and Design.


Say NO to Wet, Worn and Slippy Metal Covers

These composite covers are ideal for problem areas, particularly those prone to skid related accidents. Iron and steel covers quickly become polished and therefore provide a poor level of grip which can lead to serious accidents through increased risk of skidding and slipping, even more so when wet. “Fibrelite’s covers incorporate a moulded anti-slip tread pattern equivalent to a modern high grade road surface. In fact, Fibrelite’s excellent anti-slip/skid surface is guaranteed for the life of the cover providing a Polished Skid Resistance Value PSRV60> when wet which exceeds the requirements of HA 104/09, part 5, for potentially high risk sites,” says David Holmes.

The composite covers are manufactured in a close mould environment combining long strand multi-directional fibreglass with a specifically formulated resin matrix  to produce an extremely durable but lightweight product, approx. 1/3rd the weight of steel or cast iron covers. The covers are chemically inert so will not corrode, are not electrically conductive and have low thermal conductivity. Highly effective in covering manholes, gullies and trenches that contain cable, wire or fluid and perfect for where access is required as they are such a lightweight alternative to metal and concrete. They are unaffected by underground gases and most chemicals, particularly those involved with sewerage.


A Complete Watertight Solution

To provide a guide, typical applications for these health and safety friendly access covers include: access for electrical junction boxes, access points for piping, meter pits, fuel tanks, grease trap covers, leak detection covers, storm weather meters, meter pits, monitoring wells, non-conductive electrical drawpits, oil water separators, pipe trench covers, piping sumps, sewer access, submersible pumps, tank gauge covers, underground chambers, underground communication boxes, valve boxes.


No Metal no Theft!

The metal theft epidemic is not going away. There are few industries that can hide from the thieves and local authorities, councils and utility companies are still being severely affected financially. A metal target continuing to be very popular with thieves is manhole covers and when gaping holes are left in the ground, accidents happen.

Using alternative materials to metal such as GRP composite is proving to be an ideal solution. Clearly catching the thieves is an absolute must, but if there is an alternative…

More information can be found at