Are you ready to raise the Roof? – A focus on Dormers

With the current state of the housing market fuelling the trend of “Improve rather than move”, creating extra space in existing homes looks set to remain in high demand during 2013.

For the large majority of homeowners converting or extending what they already have is cheaper and less risky than a move to a bigger property.

Lofts and attics are a common target for improvement, no longer viewed as a dumping ground but as potential bedrooms, offices and playrooms that can accommodate the growing or changing lifestyle needs of a family.

Dormer loft conversions are a popular choice and in some cases the only option. They have the ability to create extra height, space and light. They can transform what is often dark and cramped feeling space into something that is a welcoming and attractive part of the home. Not only that they add character and style to the outside of a building too.

If you are in the trade then you will know that dormers are one of the most complex and difficult types of domestic building work that can be undertaken. Essentially a dormer consists of all the elements that are involved when you are building an extension, if you are adding one to an existing property, which with the current trend of staying put is the most likely scenario, you also have the existing roof structure to contend with.

But this level of construction difficulty should be seen as a major advantage by all building professionals out there, as only the bravest or craziest DIY enthusiast would attempt to take this work on, so if this job does need doing then it will be the professional who gets the call and opportunity to do the work.

This then brings me onto the other potential issue with dormers this one can cause a headache for even the most seasoned professional – providing a detailed and accurate cost to the potential client. Every job counts at the moment and securing the work whilst ensuring you aren’t running at a loss is fundamental to staying afloat in these difficult times.

Producing a detailed, itemised and accurate cost for a dormer is virtually impossible, unless you have a few days spare and the patience of a saint. Relying on un-professional guestermating or using an un-accurate square meter price used to be the only viable options.

That is until now. With the recent release of the Total Build Dormer Estimating module, you can now produce a complete dormer estimate with a full set of professional reports including a written quotation in five minutes……. Yes that is supposed to say five minutes it isn’t a typo!

By complete I do mean a fully detailed, itemised down to the last nail estimate, which will cover every element of the job from the stripping of the existing roof, right through to the internal decoration. Not only that every minute of labour for every single item and task involved in the job is also calculated.

The detail of each item in the estimate can be viewed and if you want to adjust the material or the time allowed for carrying out the task, or just have a good look at how it’s been worked out, you can. It’s your job and your price so you have complete control over the details.

Unfortunately I’m afraid to say though that if you are fine tuning the details it would be best to add another five minutes onto the estimating time… meaning the time it will take you to price the dormer, fine tune the details and produce a full set of reports and written quotation will actually be ten minutes instead.

Make sure you are ready to take full advantage of the current trends and building opportunities that are out there. To learn more about how this revolutionary dormer estimating module works or to see it in action call 0845 612 47 47.