NW Systems provides BAM Nuttall with IP Video-based Health & Safety Monitoring capability

Video specialist NW Systems has completed installation of an IP video health & safety monitoring system for the BAM Nuttall Highway Services’ new depot and offices in Winsford, Cheshire.

NW Systems’ video solution included a total of seven network cameras placed throughout BAM Nuttall’s large road maintenance depot and road sign factory. BAM uses the cameras to monitor the production of road signs to ensure that health & safety procedures are followed. The Unit has also deployed cameras on its impact protection vehicles to record teams putting out road signs to direct vehicles around upcoming roadworks. The NW Systems system also enabled managers to view site activity via their smartphones or tablets, around the clock.

Steve Gee, Highway Engineering Manager, BAM Nuttall Highway Services, explained: “Recently one of our mobile cameras captured an incident where a car drove into the back of one of our impact protection vehicles. As the driver backed away, one of our employees stood in between our vehicle and the driver’s car – thus placing himself in a potentially dangerous position should a second car hit the back of the stationary vehicle.”

“Our managers now play this footage as part of a staff training exercise to reinforce correct procedure in case of emergencies like this. It is our job as a responsible employer to highlight good practice and also point out where our employees have unintentially exposed themselves to hazards. We have found that these camera recordings are a great tool for affecting behavioural change. The NW Systems-installed cameras at our new Winsford facility have already proved their worth in this capacity.”

To view a video of this story please go to

NW Systems’ YouTube site at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GHv7okzVjU or go to: http://www.nwsystemsgroup.com/what-we-do/nw-security-division.php

For enquiries about how NW Systems could help secure your construction site or provide health & safety monitoring of workers during construction projects, please call Frank Crouwel at NW Systems on 0151 633 2141 or email him at: [email protected]