Just occasionally a manufacturer launches a new product that not only creates a stir in the marketplace, but catches the attention of merchants and distributors and generates immediate interest from trade fixers, who recognise the huge potential of the product.

So it is with Premdor’s unique new Veneer Match range of internal doors.

The result of high-end, new technological manufacturing advances, Veneer Match eliminates historical problems associated with inconsistencies in grain pattern and variation in colour.

Now, Veneer Match, available in Oak, Ash and Walnut, reveals a PEFC accredited real timber range with consistent colour and grain finishes that could never be found with traditional veneers.

The new range is ideal for multi-door corridor locations, double matching doors or any situation where a consistent appearance is desirable, be it in domestic or commercial environments.

So, when quality, uniformity and consistency of appearance is essential, value for money Veneer Match is more than a match for any other veneered door.

For full details call 0844 2090008 or visit