As part of their 10 Year Anniversary activities, staff at Liverpool architectural practice, Denovo Design have revamped their reception and office areas, celebrating their long-term commitment to environmental sustainability, and showcasing to visitors the benefits of using environmental products and technologies.

Designed to captivate the imagination, and to leave a lasting impression, features include planted recyclable rainwater goods and eye-catching sculptured heads, with ivy, grass and herb hair representing the practice’s commitment to ‘greening up’ urban areas with ivy screens, front and lawns and planted borders, etc.

In the main reception area, large colourful images of completed award-winning affordable housing schemes show how the specifications sit in situ, alongside other environmental products such as sun tunnels, swift bricks, etc.

The theme extends to the staff break-out zone, embellished with cat grass to make a funky interior design feature, which is already raising a smile from unsuspecting visitors!

Denovo Design’s office is located in Liverpool’s bustling City Centre Ropewalks Quarter, in the, conveniently named,‘Wood Street’! (Although most of the trees are now long gone).

The calming sound of running water and bird song, however, welcomes visitors to the office, whilst also introducing the main statement piece , a full size Ficus Fibrosa tree , complete with wire bird sculptures, hidden in its foliage.

The full size tree, which stretches up to the 2floor balcony, can be studied in close proximity from the mezzanine walkway, offering conference room delegates a bird’s eye view!

Denovo’s 10 Year celebrations gathered pace recently when the practice received confirmation that their affordable housing scheme in Widnes for Halton Housing Trust is to be recognised with a Green Apple Award for Built Environment. This will be presented by the Green Organisation at a prestigious ceremony in London on 30 June 2014. The practice’s commitment to community and to collaborative learning will also be acknowledged on the same day, with presentation of an International Award for Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence 2014!