Public Sector Scam to End

At the time of writing, public sector workers are kicking up a hell of the hullabaloo because they are being told that they may have to work to, well, the same age as the rest of us! In a bid to save billions of pounds, a major Government report has set the stage for early retirement for state workers to become a thing of the past: and quite right too.

Under the plans, the usual retirement age of 60 would be raised to that of private sector workers, currently 65 and due to rise to 68. Now, I know for a fact that those in the private sector more often than not work far harder than those in the public sector, so in my view public sector workers should think themselves lucky that they’ve got away with this scam for as long as they have.

In the same report, it was noted that the Armed Forces, policemen and firefighters, who can currently claim full pensions at 50, would have to wait another 10 years before they are eligible. Of course, they are moaning like five year olds about it. Well, stop bitching, you chose to do this job and if you based it on the fact that you were going to stop working earlier than everyone else you’re simply getting what you deserve.

Militant leaders – and there are quite a few of these in the public sector – are threatening to disrupt the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29 by taking industrial action. Personally, I don’t give a toss, as being a card-carrying Republican I’m off to Paris for the duration of the Disney-fest. However, there are those that like that kind of thing and for the public sector to start threatening the event is both wrong and extremely childish.

This, as we are repeatedly told, is the ‘age of austerity’, and that means everyone has to join in, including public sector workers. Get a grip … and very possibly a calculator!


Rod Millington
