Rising water prices and bills are people’s biggest fears for the future of the water industry, a report from leading UK manufacturer and supplier of valves and water fittings, Talis UK, has found.

Researchers asked a representative sample* of households across the UK about their perceptions towards the water industry, ahead of the proposed major changes taking place within the sector.

The Talking Water report showed that the majority of the general public (44%) want the water sector to operate more like other utilities, with greater choice and transparency over billing. Only 29% did not support the idea and 27% did not know.

However, there is an assumption that the changes to the sector will bring higher bills and confusing tariffs. Many fear that companies will use it as an excuse to raise prices just like their gas and electricity suppliers (71%), while others think it will result in confusing tariffs (65%) or a poorer service (60%).

Despite the fear of rising bills, the current reality is that few people have issues with affordability, and in fact the people surveyed felt that the current cost of water represents good value for money. The average household in the UK currently pays around £1 a day for their water supply but the study found that the general public are comfortable paying slightly more than this, and would be willing to pay on average £1.28 a day.

Mark Hodgens, managing director of Talis UK, comments: “The findings reveal an interesting set of challenges facing the UK’s water sector when it is entering into a period of enormous change. The study highlights that the public are not being made aware of the industry’s wider issues, except when perhaps flooding hits the headline. For this reason, price and billing represents their biggest fears for the future, rather than other major challenges facing our country.

“For the public to play an active and informed role in the decisions to come, more needs to be done to build awareness of the choices and implications.”

For more information about Talis UK and the Talking Water report, visit