Industry leader is first to receive BRE Global’s latest Responsible Sourcing credential

Marshalls is proud to announce it is the first company in its sector to be awarded BRE Global’s BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing certificate, under their new and more stringent standard and has also received a ‘Very Good’ performance rating.

The scope of the certificate (RS0008) is for a range of concrete, UK quarried natural stone paving and masonry products (Marshalls Stancliffe Stones).

There are a number of key differences to the revised certificate launched in May 2014 making the scheme a more robust test of a product’s responsible sourcing characteristics.

Katie Livesey, Head of Responsible Sourcing at BRE said:
“BRE Global works to ensure products and services protect people, property and the planet. Many companies say they are ‘green’, but these claims are not easily substantiated and often the result of common marketing tactics.

“It is great to see companies like Marshalls embedding sustainability into the heart of its business. As the first company in its sector to be awarded BES 6001 against the newly revised Issue 3.0, and with a ‘Very Good’ rating, Marshalls has set a precedent for other companies to follow.”

David Morrell, Head of Sustainability at Marshalls said:
“Marshalls is proud to be leading the industry in responsible sourcing. We take this issue extremely seriously and we are constantly seeking ways to further enhance our sustainable credentials.

“Not only is this a fantastic achievement for us, but it also offers our clients third party assurance that they are working with a responsible partner.”