Sound Awareness Stations assist Health and Safety Managers in solving key PPE problems

Seton Sound Awareness Stations solve the key Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) issues identified by customers, according to a recent Hearing Protection Survey* conducted in the UK.

Managing PPE stock was an issue for 49%, as often no monitoring system exists. Respondents said that operators struggle to identify the correct PPE for the process at hand (33%), and do not always know who to ask for advice (34%). Ensuring that PPE is correctly worn for the activity being undertaken is another concern, with nearly 27% identifying this as a major unmet need. Operators sometimes choose not to wear PPE correctly believing it hinders productivity, with 42% agreeing that this is a problem.

Seton has designed Sound Awareness Stations that offer instruction on how to correctly fit ear plugs, a mirror to assist with the fitting, and information on the consequences of not fitting as instructed. The station also assists in managing PPE stock. Paul Ingleby, Director of Product Marketing and Innovation at Seton said: “Customers come to us to buy ear plugs and a dispenser, but merely buying and supplying this is evidently not enough to ensure the workforce is properly protected. These exclusive stations are designed to have a positive effect on awareness, knowledge and attitude around the importance of noise protection”.

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