The Charcon range of more than 200 commercial hard landscaping products has been delivered to market BIM-enabled, almost a year ahead of the Government’s June 2016 deadline.

With the largest and most varied BIM-enabled product offering in the commercial hard landscaping sector, Charcon has ensured that it is best placed to meet the needs of those specifiers who have adopted the technology ahead of schedule.

Richard Wilks, Technical Adviser for Aggregate Industries, said: “We are proud to be leading the way in our sector for implementing strategic BIM procedures way ahead of the 2016 deadline. At present we have the majority of the Charcon product range available for early adopters of BIM technology; that’s 206 commercial landscaping materials that are BIM-enabled.

“With many of Charcon’s customers keen to bring their architect practices in line with legislative changes sooner rather than later, we have ensured that the products they use regularly are available to them in exactly the right format.”
BIM documentation for these products can be easily downloaded from the Aggregate Industries website, with a dedicated team on hand to prepare additional files for customers who require material outside of the initial offering.

The Charcon team has been getting ready for BIM themselves, having already received expert training from Henry Fenby-Taylor of Colour Urban Design Ltd who is the appointed author for a major new book from the Landscape Institute: ‘BIM for Landscape.’

Aggregate Industries has a company-wide appreciation of BIM, and training will continue within the Charcon division to ensure that everyone from top-line management down has an understanding of BIM, including its goals, timescales and benefits so that this knowledge can be passed on to, or support, its partners in the supply chain.

The Government originally proposed the industry-wide adoption of BIM technology in 2011 to promote sector modernisation across all publically funded projects.  The two key objectives were to reduce capital costs and decrease the carbon consumption of the construction and operation of the built environment. The latest industry guidelines dictate a deadline of June 2016, at which point all projects built with Government money will be conceived, designed, specified, built, maintained and eventually demolished using BIM technology as a central source of information sharing.

For more information on Charcon’s BIM-enabled product portfolio, visit the dedicated section on the website.